8 gadgets that travel experts love


Traveling is one of life’s biggest joys, yet it can also be a little overwhelming…Find out what travel experts pack to take away some of the stresses that can come along with travel!


1. Purifying water bottle

Carrying around one of these will help you stay hydrated without worrying about the quality of your water or spending a fortune on disposable water bottles. Hydration is a major key to feeling healthy and energized while on the go!


2. The “spiderpodium

Found on amazon, this inexpensive and easily portable stand is way more versatile than your average tripod and is perfect for keeping your phone upright while watching videos or doing work on the go!


3. Wireless, Noise Cancelling Headphones

Do you tend to get annoyed by the abundance of sound made by the other passengers? Treat yourself to some wireless, soundproof headphones! Although they take up a little more space and are more expensive than your classic pair, these headphones are worth the investment! Added bonus: You’ll feel more refreshed upon landing as these headphones drown out the constant “hum” of airplanes which can actually wear you down.


4. Gego Luggage Tracker

Keep your mind at ease and never lose your luggage again! Throw this little Bluetooth device into your bag and you will be able to track its location via an app on your phone.


5. Portable Steamer

Want to stay looking your best while you travel? Invest in a portable steamer! This easily releases the winkles that tend to happen when your clothes are packed away in a suitcase. Why worry about using a leaky iron when this device will easily do the trick and is a better choice for finer clothing!


6. Fitbit

When you’re traveling a lot of your day is spent walking and taking in the sights and sounds of where you are…but maybe that means you don’t have to hit the gym! Invest in a Fitbit (or other step tracker) to prove to yourself that sightseeing can be your new favorite form of exercise.


7. Memory Foam Travel Pillow

Do you have trouble getting comfortable on planes? A memory foam travel pillow can be a life changer to make catching some zzz’s on the plane an easy endeavor!


8. Portable Power Bank

Why worry about running out of juice and wasting time finding an outlet? Bring a portable changer with you everywhere! If you are willing to invest a little more, we suggest purchasing a battery pack that holds multiple charges with more than one USB port.  This little trick will save you lots of time and energy, pun intended!

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